My Work


Project Work

Here's a selection of some of my work with a summary of my role and responsibilities across different projects. These highlight the variety of work I've done and please get in touch if you have a project I could help with.

Using trio writing to create better bilingual content

As a content designer, I worked with various partner organisations of CDPS including Swansea University, Cadw and Natural Resources Wales. I led a trio-writing pilot project where each of the organisations could try trio-writing on their bilingual content. I mapped out the pilot, wrote guidance on trio-writing, engaged with subject experts and stakeholders and facilitated the writing sessions.

Working with content writers, marketers and translators, we trialled a new way of working with the focus on creating English and Welsh content together rather than Welsh being translated at the end of the content workflow. Across the trio writing sessions we wrote online marketing content, student recruitment email sequences and all UI content for a flood alert registration flow.

During the sessions we got specific on language, content structure, user needs, voice, tone and purpose. Writing collaboratively with translators meant both versions of the content were truly user-centred and feedback after the sessions was that this was a more user-centric way of creating bilingual content with user needs at the core and improved internal collaboration processes too.

Centre for Digital Public Services

Coaching community managers on content creation

I coach four community managers to help them build and grow a community of practitioners in their respective fields. This involves group sessions and also one-to-one coaching. I share best practice and examples to help the community managers plan, create, manage and measure the multi-channel content they need for their audience.

I have shared advice on clear language, creating engaging and impactful content, understanding your audience, accessibility and inclusivity and how to think strategically about content. The sessions are a combination of presentations, discussions, Q&As and crits. I review their content and provide actionable feedback.

To help the managers I draw on my previous experience as a head of content where I had a proven track record in building a community through useful and usable content which could be measured against set goals for growth and engagement.

Social Care Wales

Content creation and management for an end-of-life charity

I was assigned content and had to work with subject experts to understand the user needs and business goals. I built out pages in the CMS following the content model and style guide. I had to be focused on the user experience and work within the limitations of the technology used.

This was a multi-faceted role to support the in-house team during a period of change, including an entire rebrand. I was the owner for all of the content assigned to me and had to determine the needs, create the content, present the pages and iterate based on feedback. 

A large part of the work was to build pages in the CMS, requiring technical know-how and content modelling and information architecture skills. I had to follow the style guide and make sure the language I used was appropriate and empathetic given the sensitivity of the subject matter and the circumstances in which the audience may be consuming the content.

Marie Curie

Content design and trio writing for Natural Resources Wales

I worked as part of a collective of agencies with Crocstar, Basis and dxw to provide content design for Natural Resources Wales.

My role was to work with subject experts to understand what needed to be communicated and then create the content with user needs in mind. It was a complex project with lots of stakeholders over a long period of time.

I wrote content, considering clear language, accessibility, structure and all content design best practice. I also did pair writing and trio writing with in-house content designers and translators to create user-centred bilingual content. There were lots of regulations, complex language and compliance considerations that informed the content I created.

The work was part of a larger organisation-wide digital transformation period and involved a lot of stakeholder engagement. We worked with agile methods and practices and tested content in both English and Welsh, working closely with the user researchers to make this happen.

Natural Resources Wales

Public sector content design and content creation for the RAF

My current work for the RAF and Air Cadets is to create user-centred content for their websites which follow their style guide and meet business goals. I also have to consider the information architecture for the sites and create and use content models to help with technical implementation and content creation.

For Health Education England and Skills for Care, my work was as a content designer on complex service design projects. I had to create content for prototypes and then refine based on the outcomes of user testing. I contributed to research discussion guides, co-design sessions and presented my work, findings and recommendations at show and tell sessions.

All of this work requires an understanding of user needs, organisational priorities, stakeholder engagement, writing to predefined styles and accessibility best practice. Across these projects I worked as part of a multidisciplinary team of researchers, subject experts, service designers, delivery managers and other content creators too.

Lagom Strategy

Plain English rewrite for a digital inclusion charity

The project focused on one section of the website and we had to take all of the existing content and rewrite it with user needs and business goals in mind. We also had to make the content as clear and inclusive as possible using plain English.

A large part of the work was to consider the structure of the pages too. We thought about clear headings, hierarchy and narrative so that the message on each page was communicated with clarity as a lot of the audience may not have English as a first language.

Being consistent and using a shared language was important as we worked through dozens of pages of content. Although reduction was a goal, we prioritised clarity over brevity to create useful and usable content for the audience.

Very Meta
Headshot of Rhiannon Wright looking directly at the camera.

I can't speak highly enough of Rob. He helped me make sense of how to write a blog, how to put a newsletter together and gave me some really useful tips on how to engage the members of my community and keep them interested. He gave me some great technical tips about meeting accessibility requirements. He's also a very nice person.

Rhiannon Wright

Social Care Wales

Charlotte Powell stands in front of some trees wearing a beanie hat.

Rob has tailored our content coaching sessions to my individual learning needs. He’s full of good suggestions and great advice. I’ve learned so much and my whole approach to content has improved. I’m also seeing regular visitors on my community platform now too.

Charlotte Powell

Social Care Wales

Close-up of Joanna Goodwin looking directly at the camera.

Rob has been fundamental to developing new approaches and practices for bilingual design across Wales. Rob expertly balances the needs of the users with business requirements and project constraints, ensuring that we consistently deliver value.

Much of our work involves collaboration and influence across complex stakeholder groups and I've been confident in his ability to champion best practice across a range of senior policy officials, decision makers and practitioners.

Joanna Goodwin

Centre for Digital Public Services

Headshot of Joe Badman in black and white. Joe looks to the right and is smiling.

Rob has been supporting four Community Managers from Social Care Wales to develop great content. He's been a constant source of encouragement and has given them practical advice on improving their content. His support has helped build the confidence of community managers that they can produce great content and has resulted in increased levels of engagement within their communities.

Joseph Badman

Managing Director, Basis

Headshot for Padma Gillen

Rob has worked with us on a number of projects in the UK, US and Ireland. He's always professional, reliable, outcome focused and great at communicating. And we can rely on his expertise to give us a high quality result every time. Oh, and he's also a lovely man. Which makes him exactly what we're looking for in a consultant.

Padma Gillen


Profile picture of Liam King looking directly at camera and smiling.

Rob is a gifted and versatile content professional, with the full toolbox of content strategy and content designer skills that consistently helps our clients through their digital content challenges. Work with Rob!

Liam King

Lagom Strategy

Profile picture of Christine Cawthorne looking directly at camera and smiling.

Working with Rob is a dream because he makes everything seem so easy. He knows everything about content so he always has considered, thoughtful opinions. He's brilliant on all those fiddly things like proofreading and sense checking. Everyone who works with him loves him, and it's not hard to see why.

Christine Cawthorne


I tried to recruit Rob to work for my company for something like a decade, so I’m thrilled to now call Fourth Wall Content a key partner at Brain Traffic. Rob’s multifaceted skillset, calm demeanor, and brilliant work product never cease to amaze me.

Kristina Halvorson

Brain Traffic

Rob's input on our books has been invaluable. From structure, inclusivity, language and style through to being able to give feedback to authors in a considerate and practical way. Rob has the attention to detail and experience to help authors tell the best story in the most appropriate way.

Sarah Winters

Content Design London

Profile picture of Vicki Bloomfiled from Marie Curie.

Rob is fantastic to work with and I couldn’t recommend him highly enough. I can trust him to get the job done efficiently, liaise with key stakeholders and pick up the specifics of complex briefs without further input. He picked up our house style with record speed and quickly had stakeholders sending compliments my way.

Vicki Bloomfield

Marie Curie

Headshot of Patrick. He is wearing glasses and a dark buttoned shirt and has a big smile on his face.

Rob is a rare combination: excellent at his craft, and an absolute pleasure to work with. Don't pass up a chance to work with him

Patrick Stafford

UX Content Collective

Want to work together?

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If you have a content challenge or project you'd like help with, please get in touch.

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